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What Steps You Can Take for Job Upskilling?

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Earning a handsome salary is all a salaried person aims for. However, there are 2 kinds of people here similar to the rabbit & tortoise story. This is quite a common story that our teachers, and parents used to recite to us and taught us that ‘Slow and steady wins the race’.  

But can we apply this concept to our jobs today? The more slow you go the fast you lose. Having a job and earning a handsome salary has become a race. If not people, then Artificial intelligence is picking up the pace. For instance, the arrival of Chatgpt (a content tool) took over many jobs.  

This is where you need to drop the slow & steady race concept & start gearing up your speed. How do you do that? How do upscale yourself?  

Let’s learn more about this! 

what do you mean by job upskilling?

“Upskilling is not an option, but is a necessity”- Ashok Veda 

The idea of upskilling or leveling up is to learn new skills as well as enhance your current abilities. Upskilling includes both hard skills and soft skills. A hard skill is a skill that is specific to a particular job (including technical skills). These skills are typically acquired through training or education. On the other hand, soft skills refer to interpersonal traits and competencies, such as problem-solving, teamwork, and communication.

why is upskilling has become more important than ever?

Investing in upskilling is crucial for both employers and employees. With the Great Resignation threat looming, employees are eager to leave their employers for better ones. The retention rate of employees will increase when talent leaders are able to offer upskilling to their staff. It is estimated that 94% of employees would stay with an employer who invested in their career advancement.  

Artificial intelligence is causing greater anxiety among employees due to its risk of automation. By 2024, 46% of employees fear their current skill sets will become obsolete.  The Amazon study indicates that 2 out of 3 employees believe upskilling has improved their quality of life and standard of living.

what steps you can take for job upskilling?

Job Upskilling is not limited to any particular sector, from IT to Marketing to Operations, a wide range of options/courses is available. However, you need to be prepared to strategize on how you want to go ahead. The process is quite simple as you need to follow only 4 steps: 

Step 1: Determine what skills you need

In order to get where you want to go in your career, what skills are actually needed? When upskilling, you should ask yourself that question.  Consider how you can fill in any gaps in your current skill set, as well as what your industry may need in the future. Add transferable skills, such as mastering computer software or writing, so you can use them across a variety of jobs.

“Keep a big picture in mind”

Review the job postings of your profile or the roles you would like to have one day to determine where you need to upskill. Find out what employers are looking for in terms of skills, experience, certifications, etc. You could also reach out to your mentors to see what more skillset is required.     

In most cases, the most desired skills vary from industry to industry, but there are certain skills that are demanded across all industries. These skills include:

Step 2. Define your goals clearly

A new skill can enhance your chances of promotion within your organization, an increase in salary, a greater sense of fulfillment in your current job, or a new position at a different company.  

In order to take the next step, identify what kind of upskilling will be most helpful to you. Setting clear, precise upskilling goals will ensure that you succeed in achieving your goals. It is possible to set specific goals, such as completing a course or earning a certification, as well as less concrete goals, such as feeling comfortable and proficient in a new skill, or completing a course or certification.  

The importance of timelines cannot be overstated! 

If you establish a timeframe for completing a course or learning new skills, you’ll be able to stay focused and on track.

Step 3. Learn the skills you need with the right tools and courses

Identify the existing opportunities you have available to you-possibly for free. There might be career development programs at the university you graduated from, or a professional or trade association you belong to has classes, conferences, networking events, or continuing education opportunities. 

Don’t be afraid to ask!  Don’t forget to check with your current employer as well before making a decision. Educational benefits are offered by many companies, such as tuition reimbursement, education stipends, and professional development courses.  Additionally, they may pay for your attendance at conferences or networking events.  

If you want to improve your skills, there are also free online courses and low- or no-cost sites that can help, for instance:  

Step 4. Ask your employer about upskilling benefits

You should consider asking your employer whether or not they offer upskilling programs or whether they provide funding for upskilling, in case they don’t already do so. It is important to talk to your boss about your desire to develop your skills and emphasize the outcomes and benefits the company will receive.   

Do some research to back up your request and show that you are “purpose focused,” meaning you are invested in contributing to a company’s success.   

For example, if you are responsible for managing the company’s website, you could use statistics and research that show writing search-engine-optimized content increases traffic as justification for taking an SEO course.   

Should your organization not be able to offer you the upskilling benefits you need, you might consider exploring independent options instead!


To stay relevant in your career, you need to be committed to upskilling yourself on an ongoing basis. It is an ongoing process that requires dedication and commitment. As a job seeker, you will have a higher chance of success in the job market if you are constantly seeking out new opportunities to learn and grow.