Investment Planning

Discover the power of strategic investment planning with our expert investment advisory services. Our dedicated team is committed to guiding you through personalized investment strategies tailored to your goals. With our comprehensive investment services, you can navigate the financial landscape with confidence and achieve your aspirations.

What is Investment Planning?

Investment planning is the process of aligning financial objectives and goals with the available financial resources to gain fruitful returns. Investment planning is crucial to maintaining an adequate standard of living, ensuring family financial security, and managing income efficiently.

Effective financial growth starts with strategic investment planning. Our skilled investment planners are dedicated to mapping out your financial journey. With a focus on your unique goals and risk tolerance, our investment planning services create a tailored roadmap for your success. Whether you’re aiming for long-term wealth accumulation, a comfortable retirement, or funding your child’s education, our experienced investment advisors will guide you through the process. Secure your future with our personalized approach to investment planning.


Importance of Investment Planning

Individuals can achieve their monetary goals through investment planning, which is a fundamental pillar of financial success. The guidance of an experienced investment advisor makes this process even more effective, ensuring that your financial planning journey is well-directed and aligned with your goals.

1. Ensure maximum returns with minimal risks:

The goal of investment planning is to strike a balance between risk and reward. An investment advisor can create a diversified portfolio that maximizes potential returns while mitigating potential risks based on your risk tolerance and financial objectives.

2. Customized to meet your needs:

Every financial journey is unique. The investment planning process takes into account your specific goals, whether they relate to retirement, homeownership, education funding, or wealth accumulation. Investing advisors craft strategies that suit your timeline and goals.

3. Adapting to Market Changes:

It is a dynamic landscape in the financial sector. Investing advisors monitor market trends and adjust your portfolio accordingly. Despite ever-changing market conditions, your investments remain aligned with your goals thanks to this adaptability.

4. Disciplined Approach:

Financial discipline is cultivated through investment planning. When you have a well-structured plan, you are more likely to stay committed to your goals, avoiding impulsive decisions that could negatively impact your financial status.

5. Long-Term Wealth Creation

Long-term wealth creation is the ultimate goal of investment planning. You lay the foundation for a secure and prosperous financial future by consistently contributing, making informed decisions, and utilizing the advice of an investment advisor.

How to Make an Investment Plan? Step-by-Step Guide

You can achieve your financial goals by creating a comprehensive investment plan. You can achieve financial success with a well-thought-out investment plan, whether you are planning for retirement, building wealth, or funding a major life event.

1. Define your financial goals clearly:

Decide what your short- and long-term financial goals are. Are you saving for a down payment on a house, funding your child’s education, or planning for retirement? It will be easier for you to make informed investment decisions if you have clear goals.

2. Determine your level of risk tolerance:

Determine how comfortable you are with risk. It is important to understand that higher potential returns often come with higher risks. The type of investments you choose will depend on your risk tolerance.

3. Establish an investment timeline:

Decide when you need access to your investment funds – what is your investment timeline? Long-term goals may require more conservative investments, while short-term goals may require more risky investments.

4. Determine your current financial situation:

Take a look at your current financial situation, including your income, expenses, debts, and investments. You will be able to determine how much you can invest based on this assessment.

5. Select the right investment vehicle:

Invest in investments that are aligned with your goals and risk tolerance. It may include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, or other assets.

6. Strategically allocate funds:

Invest your funds across different asset classes to diversify your portfolio. As a result, risk is spread and potential returns are maximized.

7. Contribute regularly and review:

Make consistent contributions to your investments, whether through periodic deposits or automatic contributions. Ensure your investment portfolio is aligned with your goals by reviewing it regularly.

How do You Choose an Investment Plan?

To start planning your investments, first, find the right ones that match your needs. Be cautious and don’t be tempted by get-rich-quick schemes. Research your choices well. Regularly check and understand the taxes on your investment gains. In India, there are various investment options available for you to consider like Mutual Funds, ULIPs, SIPs, Gold, Bonds, Life Insurance and more.

Best Investment Plans to Select From

Mutual Funds

By pooling money from multiple investors, mutual funds invest in a variety of assets, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. Their management reduces the need for individual stock selection. Consequently, they are suitable for those seeking a balanced portfolio with lower risk and access to a variety of markets. If you’re considering investment options, consulting with a knowledgeable mutual fund consultant can provide valuable insights tailored to your financial goals and preferences.

Senior Citizen Savings Scheme

It provides retirees with a safe investment avenue through its Senior Citizen Savings Scheme. With a fixed tenure, it pays regular interest. Senior citizens seeking a steady income during retirement can take advantage of this scheme, which offers higher interest rates than traditional savings accounts.

National Pension Scheme (NPS)

The NPS is a government-regulated retirement savings plan. During your working years, you can contribute regularly, building a retirement fund. In addition to providing long-term growth and financial security, NPS offers a mix of equity and debt investment options. 

Public Provident Fund

PPFs are government-backed savings plans that offer safety and growth. Tax benefits and a long tenure make it a good investment. The fixed interest rate makes it ideal for conservative investors seeking steady returns, a disciplined way to accumulate wealth over time, and tax advantages.

Real Estate

Real estate investing, guided by a certified investment advisor, involves purchasing properties for rental income or capital gains. As a hedge against inflation, it can provide a steady stream of income. Real estate, however, requires significant upfront capital and requires property management. Investing in this area requires careful research and market knowledge.

Gold Bonds

The price of gold is linked to gold bonds, which are government-backed securities. Compared to physical gold, they offer comparable returns without the hassle of storing it. There is a fixed interest rate on these bonds as well as the possibility of capital appreciation. A gold bond is a convenient way to invest in gold and diversify your portfolio.

Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)

With REITs, you can invest in real estate without owning any physical properties. Like stocks, they are traded on exchanges. Rental properties generate income for REITs, which distribute dividends to investors. Diversification, regular income, and potential capital appreciation make them an accessible way to invest in real estate.

Benefits of Investment Plans

1. The primary advantage of investment plans is that they help grow your wealth over time.

2. Different investment plans help with specific goals, like saving for retirement or buying a house.

3. Some investments also protect your money from losing value due to inflation.

4. By investing, you can earn extra money on top of your salary, creating a safety net.

5. Some investments even give you tax benefits, meaning you pay less in taxes.

6. Overall, investing helps you become financially independent, take care of your loved ones, and plan for the future.

What Documents are Required to Buy Investment Plans?

Identity Proof: Aadhaar card, PAN card, passport, driving license, or voter ID.

Address Proof: Aadhaar card, passport, utility bill, or bank statement.

Income Proof: Salary slips, bank statements, or income tax returns.

Bank Account Details: Account number, IFSC code, and branch address.

Photographs: You may need to provide passport-sized photographs.

How Does Risk Appetite Affect Your Investment Choices?

When it comes to making investment decisions, your risk appetite is crucial 

Investment Selection: Higher risk appetites tend to favor investments with larger returns, such as stocks or real estate, while lower risk tolerances might prefer bonds or less risky assets. 

Diversification: A risk-tolerant person may target various sectors and asset classes to maximize potential gains, while a risk-averse person may prioritize diversification to minimize losses. 

Reaction to Volatility: An investor with a high-risk tolerance may stay invested during market fluctuations, seeking long-term gains. In contrast, low-risk tolerance may lead to selling during volatility in order to mitigate losses. 

Investment Horizon: Investment timelines are influenced by risk appetite. Risk-averse individuals may opt for shorter-term, more secure investments, while those comfortable with risk might invest for the long term.

Who Is an Investment Adviser or Planner?

An investment advisor is a professional who provides investment advice and guidance to individuals, businesses, or institutions regarding their investment decisions. Certified investment advisors offer recommendations on specific stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or other investment vehicles. They often stay updated on market trends, economic conditions, and financial regulations to provide informed advice.

What is the Role of an Investment Advisor in the Investment Planning Process?

An Investment Advisor helps you make smart decisions with your money. They look at your goals, how much risk you’re comfortable with, and your current financial situation. Then, they suggest where to invest, like stocks or bonds. They keep an eye on your investments and recommend changes if needed. Their job is to guide you in growing your money wisely and reaching your financial goals.

Why Choose Fincart Investment Services?

What Do You Get In The Customized Investment Plan?

  • Our comprehensive investment planning service provides you with a tailored investment plan designed to align with your financial goals, risk tolerance, and timeline. You’ll receive a personalized roadmap that outlines specific investment recommendations, asset allocation strategies, and steps to achieve your aspirations. Partner with us for a strategic investment plan built just for you.

● Risk-based asset allocation.

● A wide range of investment options across different asset classes.

● Integration of good existing investments.

● As a result, we create your customized portfolio based on both the above factors.

● Monitored by a dedicated relationship manager, the portfolio delivers the defined return.

Fincart's Investment Planning Process

1. Fincart begins by thoroughly understanding your investment goals, whether it’s wealth accumulation, income generation, or retirement planning.

2. The next step in the investment planning process involves a comprehensive evaluation of your current financial situation and risk tolerance.

3. We then recommend you to choose between diversified assets like equity, bonds, gold, real estate, etc. based on your risk appetite and needs.

4. Lastly, regular review of the performance of your investment portfolio is done to adjust market changes and updates.

faq's on Investment Planning

At Fincart it starts with you. We spend time to understand your needs, your risk profile, and your finances. The recommendations are based on client suitability.
We have a wide range of SEBI / IRDA / RBI approved products such as Mutual Funds, Insurance, PMS, AIFs, etc.
As an investment strategy, asset allocation allows investors or portfolio managers to balance risk versus reward by adjusting the percentage of capital invested in an asset of the portfolio based on the investor’s risk tolerance, the investment time frame, and the investor’s goals.
We have an integrated platform where you can track all your multiple investments such as Mutual Funds, PMS, Insurance, AIFs etc., in one dashboard or mobile application, effortlessly.

We recommend that you save a minimum of 25% of your monthly income to fund a better life and achieve your financial aspirations confidently.

Investment planning involves these steps:
Goal Setting: Define your financial objectives, whether it’s retirement, education, or wealth growth.
Risk Assessment: Evaluate your tolerance for risk to determine suitable investment options.
Asset Allocation: Allocate funds across diverse investments based on risk and return expectations.
Investment Selection: Choose specific assets (stocks, bonds, real estate) aligned with your goals.
Portfolio Monitoring: Regularly review and adjust investments to stay on track towards your objectives.

The objective of investment planning is to:

Achieve Financial Goals: Create a structured strategy to meet your financial objectives, whether it’s retirement, education funding, or wealth accumulation.

Optimize Returns: Maximize investment returns while managing associated risks through thoughtful asset allocation.

Ensure Long-Term Security: Secure your financial future by making informed investment decisions that align with your risk tolerance and aspirations.

Financial planning differs from investment planning in the following ways :

Investment planning focuses primarily on strategies for optimizing investment returns, while financial planning includes budgeting, insurance, estate planning, and tax planning.  

Compared to investment planning, financial planning focuses on an individual’s entire financial situation to create a holistic plan.

To achieve overall financial wellness, financial planning integrates investment planning with other financial components.

Opting for an investment plan helps grow your money over time and achieve financial goals, providing a smart way to secure your future.

A Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) is a financial professional or entity registered with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) to provide investment advice and financial planning services to clients.

To become a SEBI registered advisor, obtain a relevant degree and work experience, pass the NISM (National Institute of Securities Markets) Investment Adviser Level 1 and Level 2 exams, and apply for registration as an investment advisor with SEBI.